Attention Bigs, Mentors, Families and School Partners!

We need your help to sell the Peeler Discount Cards as we work to raise $80,000 to support more matches for kids who are waiting. Read on below, check out the prize incentives and consider helping. Contact your Mentoring Coordinator/Caseworker if you can help.

Here’s how you can get involved:

  • PURCHASE A CARD: Buy one for yourself, your family, give them as gifts! Enjoy fantastic discounts all while knowing your contribution is supporting local youth.
  • HELP SELL CARDS: Join our dedicated team of sellers and help us spread the word about this amazing card! Promote through your school, workplace, sell cards in your office or through your personal network. See incentives below. NOTE: you can pre-sell first and collect money and orders before picking up cards. A great way to do this is to share the Peeler Card image on Facebook or other social accounts and let people know they can get a card through you. Once you have a bunch of orders, drop by BBBS to pick up card and pay!
  • SHARE THE MESSAGE: Even if you can’t buy or sell cards, you can still help by sharing this campaign especially on social media (@BBBSEasternNL) or posting at your workplace. Every share brings us one step closer to our goal of raising $80,000!

If you know a group that might be looking for a fundraiser (ie. a sports team, dance groups, girl guides, scouts, etc). Tell them to visit to inquire.