Are you ready to make a meaningful difference in the lives of young people in Eastern Newfoundland? Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Newfoundland (BBBSEN) is on the lookout for passionate individuals to join our dynamic Board of Directors!

As a volunteer-driven organization, BBBSEN has been creating impactful mentoring relationships for over 49 years. Our mission is clear and unwavering: to enable life-changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential in every child and youth in our community. We believe that by providing young people with additional consistent and supportive Developmental Relationships, we can empower them to reach their full potential and become confident, resilient, and successful individuals.

We Are Seeking Up to 4 Applicants with Diverse Backgrounds:

BBBSEN is on a mission to create a board that represents the diversity of our community. We are actively seeking up to four dedicated individuals with varied backgrounds, experiences, and skills to join our Board of Directors. We believe that diversity in leadership brings fresh ideas, innovative solutions, and a broader understanding of the challenges our youth face.

If you are passionate about our mission, have a commitment to youth empowerment, and are eager to contribute your unique perspective, we encourage you to apply. Ideally, nominees will have a strong background in areas such as Government Relations, Community Engagement & Leadership, Philanthropy, Fundraising and Special Events, Legal, Finance or Public Relations.

If you are ready to embark on this incredible journey of impact, please complete the application below with your resume by October 15, 2024. 



Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Newfoundland is operated by a Board of Directors made up of volunteers from a cross-section of the community. Reporting to the Board are professional full-time employees who carry on the day-to-day work of the agency.

General areas of responsibility for the Board of Directors include policy setting, planning, review and evaluation of the Executive Director and financial operations. The duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Newfoundland can be summarized as follows:

  • Determines and approves policies affecting all aspects of the agency’s operations.
  • Understands fully the purposes, principles and scope of the agency.
  • Holds title to all properties and funds of the agency and serves as Trustee of these properties and funds.
  • Manages committees to implement the immediate and long-range objectives of the agency.
  • Understands the needs of those being served by the agency, and the services offered and provided by the agency’s staff.
  • Studies and reviews its own organizational structure and programs to determine need for expansion, modification or revision, recognizing that new points of view are vital to its operation.
  • Employs the Executive Director of the agency.
  • Maintains a responsible relationship with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada in terms of financial support in payment of dues, participation in national decision-making, use of other services and materials and participation in regional and national meetings.

In addition to the previous duties and responsibilities, the following are the requirements for the Board of Directors as set by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada:

  • Assure the agency complies with all federal and provincial legislation and statutes governing the non-profit sector, including incorporation under the laws of their province and charitable registration status with Revenue Canada.
  • Must employ a staff member who shall be responsible for all aspects of service delivery (Executive Director).
  • Shall determine the broad policy of the organization within the policy guidelines of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada.
  • Set both long and short-term goals for the organization.
  • Provide the necessary funding to accomplish these goals without charging a fee to the parent or guardian for the provision of a volunteer Big Brother/Big Sister
  • Approve a budget for the operation of the agency and control expenditures of funds.
  • Establish and approve personnel policies under which all personnel of the agency shall be employed.
  • Board members who have direct contact with children in the program must be screened by agency. This screening shall include a police check and a personal interview.
  • Approve participation in the National Insurance Plan through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada, or carry equivalent coverage.
  • Shall keep up-to-date the agency’s by-laws and constitution and assure the purposes of the association and the process for election of officers and directors is clearly stated.
  • In accordance with provincial legislation, shall cause an external audit/review engagement to be done annually by a qualified public accountant and a copy shall be sent to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada within sixty (60) days of completion.
  • Shall deal with recognized financial institutions, and all withdrawals shall be authorized only by signing officers appointed by the Board of Directors.
  • Shall participate in a meaningful way in the Accreditation program of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada (at least once every five years).

It is stressed that Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Newfoundland is a voluntary agency supported by a limited staff. It is thus essential that the Board of Directors is a working board where members are willing to make a commitment to the organization to ensure the successful continuation and growth of the Big Brother Big Sister program through whatever means deemed necessary.

The Board strives to meet a minimum of 6 times per year between September to June. Board members should be available for a minimum of 4 meetings and as required, work on one committee to help advance the Strategic Plan. It is also encouraged that Board Members provide suggestions of prospective Board Members to the Board Executive Committee and Executive Director, and in particular when a member is leaving the Board in the area of interest and/or expertise.

The Board of Directors of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Newfoundland does not handle administrative details. It provides support to the Executive Director and staff in carrying out their professional duties, and holds the Executive Director accountable for the supervision of the organization. The Executive Director can expect that the Board of Directors will perform the following:

  • Provide counsel and advice: they will give the benefit of their judgment and expertise, as well as their knowledge of and familiarity with their community.
  • Consult with the Executive Director on all matters the Board is considering.
  • Refrain from handling administrative matters that are staff responsibilities.
  • Provide consistent and sound funding for the organization’s programs.
  • Share all communication and plans with the Executive Director.
  • Provide support to the Executive Director and staff in carrying out their responsibilities.
  • Support the Executive Director in all decisions and actions that are consistent with established policies and standards.
  • Hold the Executive Director accountable for the operation of the agency/organization, and evaluate the work of the Executive Director in a regular and formalized performance appraisal process.