Go Girls Golf – Meal & Player information

Thank you for registering for the ‘Go Girls Golf’ tournament on August 23rd. In preparation for this year’s event at Bally Haly, please complete the form below with the contact information for each member of your golf team or for your hole setup. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kelly at (709) 743-2356 or kelly.leach@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca. Once we have collected all contact info for participants we will send out more information on the tournament including details on raffles, prizes, contests and more!


  • Please provide details if applicable

  • Please provide details if applicable

  • Please provide details if applicable

  • Please provide details if applicable
  • HOLE SETUP ONLY ( if applicable )

    Please provide details of individuals on your hole. If not applicable, leave blank.

  • Please provide details if applicable

  • Please provide details if applicable

  • Please provide details if applicable
  • Contact Kelly or Sarah at (709) 368-5437 or leave your name/phone below and we will connect with you.